The prismatic faceting of the Trillian™ Bath Collection is an evolution of modern style that creates an edgy look which catches the light as well as the eye. With separate handles for volume and temperature control, this Delta tub/shower fitting provides a more refined showering experience. Simply set the water at your preferred temperature and turn the shower on or off with the volume control handle — without interrupting your set temperature.

Thermostatic valves monitor the temperature of the water and adjust the mix automatically to the water and adjust the mix automatically to maintain precise temperature control and to keep the water temperature in your shower within a safe ±3°F (± 1.6°C)
Delta Lumicoat™ Finishes wipe clean without cleaners and chemicals. They repel liquids, resisting water spots to stay cleaner longer, so your client’s faucet stays as beautiful in use as it is out of the box.
Some people, and some local codes, require fixtures that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If someone may visit who has special needs, or if you believe future buyers might appreciate this feature, Delta offers a range of compliant fixtures.